In recent years, drones have become a popular way to give a unique take on photography. BusinessWire’s report on the drone market predicts that the market for drones will reach $3.26 billion in 2025, with more than a million drones in the US alone. With many brands offering more affordable models, it’s unsurprising that many people have taken up the hobby.
Drone photography allows users to take pictures of their surroundings from different perspectives they would otherwise not be able to do. If you’re interested in taking photography to another level, here are some tips on how you can get the perfect drone shot:
Choose the right tools
Much like regular cameras, not all drones are built the same way. The two most common drones are those with a built-in camera and those without, which allow you to attach your own camera to them. One of the best options to have been attachable cameras meant for drones to allow both customizable resolution and movement. The drone cameras on Adorama are outfitted with a range of resolution options, from 2MP to 50MP, so these are suited for various tasks. Case in point, the DJI Zenmuse X7 Camera is a lightweight, compact camera fitted with CineCore 2.1, and is capable of producing 24MP still resolutions and fast image processing. Its mount allows the user to move the lenses in their preferred direction, without compromising the image quality.
In addition to the specifications you prefer, you need to consider the environment you plan to do drone photography. Certain places may be windier than others, so you may need to get a bigger drone to ensure it remains safe and stable while flying. You may also need additional tools to get creative long-exposure shots, as a guide to ND filters by Urth Magazine explains. ND filters reduce light intensity and allow you to increase shutter speed – even in the middle of the day. Considering your needs and preferences is important for choosing the right tools.
Apply the fundamentals
As with basic photography, many fundamentals like the Rule of Thirds and general composition still apply in drone photography. Before flying, our post on “Festival Art Entertaining Photography Direct” advises that you should adjust your camera settings to fit the current lighting to ensure your photos look natural. You can also opt to set tools, like the 3×3 grid, on your screen to help you compose your shot while the drone is in the air. Don’t hesitate to try experimenting with pictures at different heights and getting creative with your compositions. You can look for patterns and symmetry or find leading lines toward a subject to keep your pictures interesting.
Picture by Booshen Navaratnam demonstrates the Rule of Thirds.
Make the most out of your flight time
When first doing drone photography, it can be easy to get caught up in the beautiful scenery. It’s essential to remind yourself that most commercial drones only have a flight time of 15-25 minutes per run, so you need to make the most out of it. Before going on your trip, you can look up online drone pictures to give you inspiration on how you can frame your shots. Google Earth is a great resource to reference areas in your location, and it can even help you find interesting elements or patterns. It’s also necessary to bring extra batteries for your drone in case you need to land it prematurely but still need more pictures.
Drone photography takes practice to control and master, but the results are very rewarding. By considering the quality of your equipment, and using your time wisely, you are sure to get the perfect picture.